Non-Profit Organizations
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Sunday
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Brick and mortar location to come.
MOSS Kids Book Project provides access to all types of literature to all kids in all communities. We make books accessible by building and installing Little Free Libraries throughout underserved communities. We have created a free children’s book club with a new book monthly and with an associated craft / community outreach activity. MOSS Kids partners with schools, pediatric offices, daycares, & libraries to donate children’s books, encouraging children to cultivate a passion for reading. As an ongoing fundraiser, MOSS Mystery, we sell contemporary and vintage secondhand books to keep books out of landfills and help support the purchase of new books for underserved communities.
Books are invaluable tools to foster learning and encourage empathy and understanding of others who are different from one another. MOSS Kids provides accessibility to these books in underserved communities through our LFL and community outreach initiatives.