Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments
pper Coastal Plain Council of Governments is a lead planning organization comprising five (5) county governments and thirty-nine (39) municipal governments who hold membership in the UCPCOG. Working upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments is a lead planning organization comprising five (5) county governments and thirty-nine (39) municipal governments who hold membership in the UCPCOG. Working u
Town of Princeville
Historically, the Town of Princeville has been populated primarily by African-Americans and struggled early-on with social and economic difficulties relating to racism. Over time, the citizens of PrinHistorically, the Town of Princeville has been populated primarily by African-Americans and struggled early-on with social and economic difficulties relating to racism. Over time, the citizens of Prin
Edgecombe County Government
Edgecombe County is easy to find...but hard to leave! Discover more about why our county is a great place to visit and live!Edgecombe County is easy to find...but hard to leave! Discover more about why our county is a great place to visit and live!
Town of Pinetops
Pinetops is a quaint town in southern Edgecombe County. Founded in 1901, the Town was incorporated in May 1903 as a rail station. We grew as businesses and merchants chose to locate near the railroad line.Pinetops is a quaint town in southern Edgecombe County. Founded in 1901, the Town was incorporated in May 1903 as a rail station. We grew as businesses and merchants chose to locate near the railroad line.
Town of Tarboro
The Town of Tarboro’s governmental goal is enhance the health, safety and welfare of our community by providing quality and responsive public service. This section contains essential Town government iThe Town of Tarboro’s governmental goal is enhance the health, safety and welfare of our community by providing quality and responsive public service. This section contains essential Town government i